Kristen Stewart

Edward Cullen.Real name:Robbert Pattison..He looks better as Edward Cullen.Seriously.'Ehem..ignore the bottle of perfume...'
The Summary:Twilight sees seventeen-year-old Bella Swan move from her mother's home in Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in her birthtown of Forks, Washington. There, she becomes intrigued by a student, Edward Cullen. Edward saves her life on multiple occasions, exhibiting super-human qualities. Bella learns from family friend Jacob Black that legends say the Cullen family are vampires. Edward eventually admits to this truth, though his family hunts only animals, not humans, through moralistic choice. Edward constantly warns Bella against being with him, perceiving her life to be at risk if she continues to associate with him because the scent of her blood is so much more powerful to him than that of any other human. Bella's love and confidence in Edward's restraint is such that his warnings go unheeded, and on an outing with the Cullens she becomes the target of a sadistic vampire, James. With his family's help, Edward is able to save Bella from James' predations, but Edward is still unwilling to change Bella into a vampire himself.
Its really nice and I would like to watch it again and again and again :D haha..seriously