Crushing on:
Not really sure
Drink you last had:
A&W root beer with vanilla ice cream. YUM!
Easiest person to talk to:
Favourite songs:
Eminem-We Made You. DJ Sammy- Time after Time remix. Demi Lavato- Falling over Me
Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms:
In love with:
Pears. I cant juggle. Maybe two pears.
Killed someone:
Longest car ride:
Not sure....
Milkshake flavour:
Number of siblings:
One wish:
Infinite wish
Person you last called:
Cant recall
Reason to smile:
When I am happy la
Song you last heard:
Poker Face-Lady Gagagaga
Time you woke up:
Are green
Worst habit:
Never had one.But itching to try,
Quite "heng" in Sing
Spell your name without vowels:
Ch Sy Ln
What colour do you wear most:
What are you listening to:
Remember the Time: Michael Jackson
Are you happy with your life:
What is you favourite subject in school:
English.Art(Baseball Time!!!)
When do you start back at school:
1st of Septemmber
Are you outgoing:
I am incoming. Kakakkakaka. I am not sure
Favourite pair of shoes:
Where do you wish to go:
Home. My wiish came true
Can you dance:
Can you tie a cherry knot with your mouth:
Can you whistle:
Can you write with both hands:
Canyou walk with your toes curled?
Do you believe that theres life on other planets?
I dont think so
Do you believe in miracles?
Do you believe in magic?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe in magic?
Do believe in Satan:
Do you belive in Santa:
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?
Have you been on a plane:
No... I am soo afraid.. yeah laaaa. Got la. sheesh
I tag:
All the People that starts with the letter P,J,W,C,E,L,K and X in my link
I am stopping here. Damn long. I just came back from Sing. Was there to teman my sis. And SHOP SHOP SHOP.^^. And i am so exhausted. Miss em already.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Google provides a Translating Toolbar. && it made me hyper. From chinese to english. && all you have to do is type some random chinese words and words like Malaria Pigment, Southern India Flower, Maligmant Disease and Paul Garlic come popping out of no where!! E and I laughed like mad!!
Google finally made me Hyper!!!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
You'll be leaving us.
Good luck and take care.
Sweet memories will be embedded in my heart.
I wish I could turn back time.
Or to make time freeze.
So we could enjoy endless fun together.
Sadly, things dont always go the way you want
You're leaving so you can have a good future ahead.
But, when you love someone.
Its hard to let go.
Farewell my sister.
Take care.
Good luck.
Have fun.
Thank you.
For taking care of me when I'm sick.
Thank you for helping me when I'm troubled.
Thank you for being there for me when I am dejected.
For advising me.
For making me laugh when I am down.
For encouraging me to stand up for myself.
For being so funny.
For spending time playing or shopping with me.
For bringing me to the doctor.
For forgiving me.No matter how tremendous the mistake.
For sending me to the mall.
For being my loving sister.
For everthing.
Both you and WiLin are great. Your love for our family is undescribeable. Thank you.
Little things that the bothof you did will be cherished.
Take Care.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
lean like a cholo part two
Here are the pictures! : we watched two movies in the afternoon and had a drink in starbucks. at night, we watched nanny mcphee and ate till we explode!!! and then we had our girl talk.
jiawunn's house:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Lean like a cholo
Hey!! 160th. && i sleptover at jiawunn's hse. Haha. Ryan told us a crappy story. i call it, Incest Generation!. I was planning to post it. But it turned out very sick.
The sleepover was okay. We spent the night watching a movie and talking. And I am soo tired!! The outing was fine so was the sleepover(haha. I am repeating it twice) ^^.
pictures and etc will be posted soon!!
MrFedrickson: Lets play the quiet game
Russell: Oh great! my mom loves that game!
The sleepover was okay. We spent the night watching a movie and talking. And I am soo tired!! The outing was fine so was the sleepover(haha. I am repeating it twice) ^^.
pictures and etc will be posted soon!!
MrFedrickson: Lets play the quiet game
Russell: Oh great! my mom loves that game!
Friday, August 21, 2009
tonights the night!
Everyone is proming. ^^. Excluding me. oh well. it was a night well spent. so i am satisfied. i got myself a volleyball. ailin!!! we'll play when we sleepover.^^. cant wait.
anyway, i got all the latest news during prom! thanks to chee and jiawunn. well, i wanna see all the photos and videos they took! they really enjoyed themselves i can tell! especially jiawunn.
well, night !
anyway, i got all the latest news during prom! thanks to chee and jiawunn. well, i wanna see all the photos and videos they took! they really enjoyed themselves i can tell! especially jiawunn.
well, night !
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Impossible

That happened. WaiYuen and I were on a bet.I bet with him that he couldnt cut it into two. And he said that he could. And if he could he wanted RM5. It was a deal. And right above you can see the results. Hah! And he's suppose to have the same surname as me.
But instead,
That happened. WaiYuen and I were on a bet.I bet with him that he couldnt cut it into two. And he said that he could. And if he could he wanted RM5. It was a deal. And right above you can see the results. Hah! And he's suppose to have the same surname as me.
Anyway, he beld after trying his attempt. The cut was quite deep. Deep enough to make blood squirt instantly. It kinda made me feel guilty. Haha.
Cheeeeeee good luck!!! Kher Xhing!!! I will strangle you!!! Jiawunn!!! Why you didnt come?! MrSelva!! I cant understand what you taught us today!! MissPhua!! Whats with all the homework?!!CikWan!!! Call us to explain that stupid thing!!! Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holiday!!!!!
Enough with the exclamation points.Haha. Bye!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday Blues
Monday Blues :(
I woke up this morning and prayed that Friday would come quickly.=).But school wasnt what I expect it to be.Its diffrent today.Why? Because the class is empty.We girls played baseball while the guys act for their play tomorrow.Which! I cant wait to watch because its weird to see em act.^^.Anyway baseball was fun.We were using the tiang for the window at first because we were a little hyper.Because we made a paper ball and Hazel,jiawunn and I started throwing it around the class.We took a corner each! Then baseball,Aarathi and Priya joined in.Hazel made the much improved and better bat.Its made of newspaper and cellophane tape.She rolled it up and made a bat.=).We ran.Haha.From tables to tables.It was AWESOME!
Vikern:-points at ferngweoi-how old is he?
jiawunn: hes 9 and his in secondary school
Vikern:your 18 and your here!
If you dont get it its an inside joke
I woke up this morning and prayed that Friday would come quickly.=).But school wasnt what I expect it to be.Its diffrent today.Why? Because the class is empty.We girls played baseball while the guys act for their play tomorrow.Which! I cant wait to watch because its weird to see em act.^^.Anyway baseball was fun.We were using the tiang for the window at first because we were a little hyper.Because we made a paper ball and Hazel,jiawunn and I started throwing it around the class.We took a corner each! Then baseball,Aarathi and Priya joined in.Hazel made the much improved and better bat.Its made of newspaper and cellophane tape.She rolled it up and made a bat.=).We ran.Haha.From tables to tables.It was AWESOME!
Vikern:-points at ferngweoi-how old is he?
jiawunn: hes 9 and his in secondary school
Vikern:your 18 and your here!
If you dont get it its an inside joke
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I played Taboo today.Haha.I am not very good at it.Haha.Cant describe well.Tsing Wein is good at Taboo.Elin and QiHeng are a very funny team.Haha.Then we play Jengga.So chio wei. The girl sittng next to our table got so interested in our Jengga challenge I think she can feel the kan jiongness too.Its really addictive.E said that this game cant be play when you're drunk.
I am feeling much better.I am so sick of medication.Will be in school on Monday. =D.
Today's a really great day.=D.
I am feeling much better.I am so sick of medication.Will be in school on Monday. =D.
Today's a really great day.=D.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Mtv World Stage
Bands that are appearing: All American Rejects,Boys Like Girls,Hoobastank,Pixie Lott,Raygun,Kasabian,Estranged.
Zone Red.
Price: Rm 50 each.
Venue: Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach.
Time: 15 August 2009. 6.00PM
Quick! Before tickets run out!
Zone Red.
Price: Rm 50 each.
Venue: Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach.
Time: 15 August 2009. 6.00PM
Quick! Before tickets run out!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MrHo: When a bird is flying, is there potential energy?
Class: .....
MrHo:Ok la.Easier.If Silas's bird is flying, is there potential energy? Silas??
Silas: I have to ask my reproductive system first.
MrHo: 0.0!!! What la?!! I am saying the animal la!
MdmJo: Now,how does the Christian and Jew connect?
TiSien: Wire.
Hahaha.Yersterday I has a blast during art.I laughed so hard.Haha.
Today,not so much because I was too hungry.No energy to laugh.
And Monday right, when Cheyenne came into our class, to explain some stuff.Then MrAru came in because it was Moral.Then when he saw Cheyenne he went out.Then when she went out, MrAru came in and punished us.Wth?
MrAru:Alam sekitar is alive??
Class: No
Victor: Yes
MrAru:Huh??Got or not??
Victor: Takda
MrAru: Takda? Aiyo.You chinese are real....
Damn racist wei.Racist teacher.It ironic why he is assigned to teach us moral.
Class: .....
MrHo:Ok la.Easier.If Silas's bird is flying, is there potential energy? Silas??
Silas: I have to ask my reproductive system first.
MrHo: 0.0!!! What la?!! I am saying the animal la!
MdmJo: Now,how does the Christian and Jew connect?
TiSien: Wire.
Hahaha.Yersterday I has a blast during art.I laughed so hard.Haha.
Today,not so much because I was too hungry.No energy to laugh.
And Monday right, when Cheyenne came into our class, to explain some stuff.Then MrAru came in because it was Moral.Then when he saw Cheyenne he went out.Then when she went out, MrAru came in and punished us.Wth?
MrAru:Alam sekitar is alive??
Class: No
Victor: Yes
MrAru:Huh??Got or not??
Victor: Takda
MrAru: Takda? Aiyo.You chinese are real....
Damn racist wei.Racist teacher.It ironic why he is assigned to teach us moral.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
We had physical education.And the volleyball hit,slam,kena my head twice.the first time it kena I was wondering what is that??quite pain.seconds later,it hit me (get it???) the ball kena my head. the second time i saw it coming.still,kena. end of the day i ws wondering whther my head got a target sign there.:D.
we didnt even study today!!! woo!!! 11 people did not attend today because they have feva!!get well soon guys!
we didnt even study today!!! woo!!! 11 people did not attend today because they have feva!!get well soon guys!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I feel that Butterscotch is a very empty blog.And yes,I name it Butterscotch.I shall fiill in it someday.
I am currently in the process on learning kong tong wa(giving credits to cheeee).I am not very satisfied with my assesment marks.So I am going to do better for end year.=).PnZahara wanted to belasah me.haha.something funny happened in school today.But typically,yours truly is diagnosed with amnesia.=D.MrHo said that he might be leaving.Is either that or I heard wrongly.He was in a good mood.
I usually hate Tuesdays but its actually pretty okay today.:D.
I am currently in the process on learning kong tong wa(giving credits to cheeee).I am not very satisfied with my assesment marks.So I am going to do better for end year.=).PnZahara wanted to belasah me.haha.something funny happened in school today.But typically,yours truly is diagnosed with amnesia.=D.MrHo said that he might be leaving.Is either that or I heard wrongly.He was in a good mood.
I usually hate Tuesdays but its actually pretty okay today.:D.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Museum,Planetarium and Pusat science
Reasons why I dont want to upload the pictures I took:
1.A lot
2. I am freaking exhausted
(Warning:You moght not want to read.It just a bunch of boring stuff.But read la.supportive a bit.:D)
Here's the story of the day:
I reached at 8:05 when I am suppose to reach at 8.But the good thing is that Mdm.Jo came at 8:10. =D.So we went off to Pusat Sains.The stuffs that need your hands to hold is so smelly,stinky, or whatever.It was so boring.We had BeeHoon for breakfast.Its much more edible than school food.But the drink was like they throw 1 tonne of sugar inside.Literally.
Lunch:Chicken rice.
Chicken rice: Fried chicken.Suckish rice.Soup.
Then we went to the Planetarium.OhmyGod.Boring likeshit wei!I expected it to be fun and stuff and with a lot of interesting astrology.But what I saw was posters of galaxies and comets.But we got to see the astronauts's toilet.and bed.We were all asthmatic.Haha.
Museum,was actually fun.Funner(yes funner) then the two.I got freaked out alot of times by the statue.I thought it was real then it wasnt.the japanese scared the crap out of me.OH and theres this interesting movie.On how we got freedom.It was nice.and and we saw the sijil thing I think.corpes are there.real ones!!
the best part was being in the bus.
I leg hurts!!
1.A lot
2. I am freaking exhausted
(Warning:You moght not want to read.It just a bunch of boring stuff.But read la.supportive a bit.:D)
Here's the story of the day:
I reached at 8:05 when I am suppose to reach at 8.But the good thing is that Mdm.Jo came at 8:10. =D.So we went off to Pusat Sains.The stuffs that need your hands to hold is so smelly,stinky, or whatever.It was so boring.We had BeeHoon for breakfast.Its much more edible than school food.But the drink was like they throw 1 tonne of sugar inside.Literally.
Lunch:Chicken rice.
Chicken rice: Fried chicken.Suckish rice.Soup.
Then we went to the Planetarium.OhmyGod.Boring likeshit wei!I expected it to be fun and stuff and with a lot of interesting astrology.But what I saw was posters of galaxies and comets.But we got to see the astronauts's toilet.and bed.We were all asthmatic.Haha.
Museum,was actually fun.Funner(yes funner) then the two.I got freaked out alot of times by the statue.I thought it was real then it wasnt.the japanese scared the crap out of me.OH and theres this interesting movie.On how we got freedom.It was nice.and and we saw the sijil thing I think.corpes are there.real ones!!
the best part was being in the bus.
I leg hurts!!
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