New Moon is better. In my view. Because Jacob was HOT. His body is blooddy hot. teehee
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It used to feel like school days are endless But now, Everyday feels like a weekend. Of course weekends are those days where we get to rest and hang out. But, Transportation is the core to our problem. The main reason why we cant go out. And I can tell you that, I BLOODY WANT TO GO TO ANOTHER MALL not JJ.
^^. Oh.And I picked up a hobby.^^ Its called
LIFELESSNESS (Highlight the space above ;D )
Enjoy your holidays everyone! Oh and Xmas is coming. Its all about giving. So please GIVE me a prezzie. ^^
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wooo,last day of school d....
We played!
We threw and caught water balloons.
And ther was FLOUR.
Dirty ones...
Btw the story is meant to be longer, but the stupid IE DCed
We had the potted sports today. 1.Log Jump = Painful! My heel hurts! 2.Hexagon Jump= Confusing?? 3.Something on the bench which jiawunn quit= Butt hurts 4. Rapid Throw?= Fun!! 5.Balance Scale?= the rope stinks! 6. Golf thingy=Its Golfy 7.Bowling=FUNNNN!!! 8.Football= Lost..... 9.Javeline= Cucuk at the wrong area (...)
YaY!! Charity Fair tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh, we played games today. The three of us did. ;) 1.Monkey=So exhausting!!! 2.Volleyball. we didnt even touch the ball. We just serveeee (..') 3.Questions!
well, thats all !!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hello! its been a while since i blogged!
Anyway, yesterday i went out to wash my hair. while waiting for someone to, i went to 99. the i bought a bag of chips and a bottle of water. when i want to play rite, this stupid kid saw me walking towards the other counter, and then he quickly jump there as if he was racing with me to see who gets to that lane quicker. wth? and that lane was perfectly clear, and he was on the other lane. It just pisses me off!
Today was well, Starbuck-y^^. Someone out there knows was I mean.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
i got talk about you ah?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Oi, the world doesnt move because of you la k?
I wanna noe who are you writing about in your blog lor.I have the strongest feeling that its us. If we are not great friends then dont join us la. Go follow them. Since we are not good enough and since they are better. Dont wait for us la. Our organs wont fall apart k? Oh and since you write some words in white, I'll make a difference. If you wanna talk bad about us in your blog rite. Do it with guts!
i hate hypocrites. i am not saying i aint one. seriously la. its like you say that you wanna ignore her but it looks like you didnt even try. IAMNOTMENTIONINGNAMES. ==. we'll have to stand up and face this freaking war
Hello hello! Am at my grandma's hse. Tomorrow's the concert. and after that, the outing. which i'll miss... sad sad.