well, hello. We had sports practice today and I picked up rocks. ^^. And then Mr Ho played a very mean trick on me. Ish. Before that we had History. Highlighted a few things and then quiz Victor.Well, Thurdays and Fridays are officially voted FUN day! But, personally I think Fridays are funner. =)
So fast tomorrow Friday. And then school starts again then end again then start again then end again. Then CHINESE NEW YEAR. I think.. Should be correct la.
Anyhoo, Mdm Jo brought us to the library.She wanted us to explore the library. There wasnt much exploring. Because the book arent arrangged into the right place and genre. So its very diffcult to find the books. Amanda, she borrowed The Diary Of Anne Frank. I'll borrow it after that.=).I am reading 3 book together. Haaha. Lock and Key, Itallians for Beginners and The Secret Garden.And my Cuzzie LLW is leaving... Haih.... She's like so awesome. With the hand tricks .EG: the jelly.^^. Well, I hope she has a great time there and take care!!!
New word discovered: Bacterica
How long?How long ?Greetings...Its been a while since I bloggedGeeee... I didnt even wish you guys a happy new year. Oh well. I hope that this new year you'll be happy in all your own ways.And the first day of school. I was late. -.-.. but I sat in front of Jiawunnn, Chee En was near me too. That way I dont have to walk walk walk. Muahahahhahaa!!!then today, Homeworks.. and science. and a ball that hit me... and not to mention Chee enn. jiawunn was freaked out by her stalker today... well, thats about all.Will promise to update more often . So often thaat you'll find me annoying... Muahahhaha!!