Heel000!! Sorry for the lack of updates. Although i am not sure who i am saying sorry to. I am sure that no one read me blog.Maybe 5 to 10 people.I hope theres more comments on the CBox! its already August! How fast!! Ot was like last two months when the school started!! I hope for holidays and no exams. ^^. Lately things are rather confusing. i have no idea what to do. This week is like my personal hell. 130 questions to be passed up next week friday. study for assesment.something i dont intend to do. =D. But i dont like seeing a C on my paper.Sej.Not even one third done. My assesment is on monday till thursday and i hv to pass up my 130 question by Friday. Somehow this is all not possible.
Since i havent put up a picture for ultra long.. heres one
Its kinda nice in my opinion. and David(main character) the voice of Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon. Kinda shocked me so alike the voice... i know sound so bimbo. but some actor can manipulate their voice wann... ^^. Ignore that. We sat next to a guy thats laughter is sooo pierceful. ouch. and LOUD. when no one laugh d he still laughing...he was watching the movie alone.
Funny moments!
CheeEn Me
-shows a number- what number is this?
ok..-shows number behind my head- what number is this?
hor!! have to go see eye doctor!
-.- you put behind your hand i can see ah? if its you, you can see meh?
okie! -puts hand behind head- what number is this?
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-in a way of failure-
Hahahahahhahahaha!!! Seee??? told you!
Khai Boon hazel me izzah
-throws out Panadol Adult-
this is the adult one rite??
not good one. -pulls out Panadol ActiFast- this one better
Yeah. -points at Panadol Adult- this one slower. that one faster
-.-. thats why they call it ActiFast....
I find it funny...
See you!
I am now introducing a new chapter in this blog. Its called funny moments
MrHo: How do you remove the odor that is found in water?
CheeEn: -whispers- wash it
The rest i am tooo lazy too type. =) Tomorrow is maths and science DAY not longer a week.
In Canteen having some weird lunch that involves squash
Chee: what is this?
hazel: squash...........its not the sports
sy: hahhahahahhahahahahahhahaha!!!! you think chee en donoo ???
well,its funny. perhaps an inside joke. anyway watching Eclipse!
Hello!!!MONDAYAssembly. And Hazels absence. nothing muchTUESDAYNothing much. I think that I practically sit at chee en's placeWEDNESDAYToday! Wood Work! Kerja kayu. And laugh laugh on how tall Jen Yu is. Random?And Gabrielle with Keropok Lekor.TOMORROWPE!!! MrHo too busy so its free sports!SUNDAYEclipse? and PIZZA
COMPUTERI am in computer class now. I think its my first time blogging here. =). Friday! E is coming home. Doont know what time.. and she said we are going to Morib soon. THURSDAYEnglish week part 2. Run joey Run was funny. And Andy was dressed like a girl. And I watched Despicable Me. So sweet. And funny. And CUTE.EVERYDAYI am like super pissed with everyone. I dont know why. Hm...Maybe I should go for a anger management class...
We had English Week!! && 2S did Choral Speaking. I think we did a good job. We had to focus on Silas. I thought it would be hard but it wasnt it was so much easier focusing on him than the entire crowd! and we had errors and we missed a line or two. kekekkekkee.
THEN, there was Report Card Day!
Quite okay la.... My disciplinary was overall good despite the fact that I had long nails on 7th of May.
Our air cond broke down and we moved to the AVA room! Great fun!
Science I didnt feel tired at all becuase I was too busy disturbing Chee En and I did pay attention. And Chee En was too busy being disturbed. I kept poking her and everytime she turned I acted cool. I dont know why but its still sooo funny. I did the same thing to Rakesh. Oh and when Chee en ignore me i will kepp poking harder. hahahahahhaha!!!
I've recently read my sister's blog. I read one post. It was about things that annoys her. And I thought " this is quite interesting. okie. i'll post my very own one.' and i thought how to start the introduction. So here is my list of things that annoy me
1. When people arent "away" or "busy" on MSN they still set as "busy" or "away"
2.People who dont reply my sms quick. (though sometimes i do that too......)
3.People who walk ulra slow in front of me.
4.People who cant just ask me something about myself but has to go ask someone else
6.People who dont close the door especially when the air cond is on.
7.When I have dry nose when i am going to sleep
8.Alot of people at a place. eg: shopping center
9. People who smell like alcohol.
So there. All the irritating thing that irritates me.=). Hope you enjoyed your weekend
Next week's most anticipated activities:
1. Photo day
2.english week(choral speaking)
3.Report Card Day