Today is Thursday and i have come to a decision to blog on Thurdays only. Theres no funny momments. Sadly. Anyway, we had PE today. Played badminton. For Gerko we had basketball. And we had to shoot 25 balls into the hoop. and the losing team have to run the crap out of their lives. And one of them was ME. So tiring. Like shit. Then we had a mini tournament. We lost. 2-o. But I had fun. After school, well known bimbo, Victor, attempted one of his bimbotic act.
Heres half the court. The line is quarter of the court and the semi circle is half. So we have to run to the line and back. and half and back and to the line and back and to the half and back and to the half and back and to the half and back.
See you next week!