I've recently read my cousin's blog.She talked about some people requesting for woman's ovum.Its pretty funny and sick at the same time.Thinking about it is weird. Just the thought of some woman agreeing. It would be like:
Donater: Hello?Is this the center where one donates their ovum?
Employee: Yea.How may I help you?
Donater: Oh.I would like to donate my ovum please.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Liars are scammers
MrHo: I lied to my neighbour twice
Class: 0.0??
MrHo: Yeah.. theres this time where my house got no lizards and her house got the she ask me why then i told her i bought anti-lizard paint.So she went store to store and ask them whether they sell anti lizard paint.All the store keepers were blurred out.-gives the you just got owned face-
Sylin:Why his neighbour so bimbotic one?
Jiawunn and Cheeee:Hhahahaha
The other one is not really funny.=DD.Today I learned a few torturous skills.Hahhaha.Me and Cheeeee made a "cool" handshake.Laughed our ass off.&& she have got a new defence pose.=DD.
Everyone is very very jolly today.=DD
Sometimes we argue.We shout.We scream.But thats a part of friendship.
We make one another hate each other.But we climb back up again.Didnt we?
The Carpenters-Close To You
Why do stars fall down from the sky?
Class: 0.0??
MrHo: Yeah.. theres this time where my house got no lizards and her house got the she ask me why then i told her i bought anti-lizard paint.So she went store to store and ask them whether they sell anti lizard paint.All the store keepers were blurred out.-gives the you just got owned face-
Sylin:Why his neighbour so bimbotic one?
Jiawunn and Cheeee:Hhahahaha
The other one is not really funny.=DD.Today I learned a few torturous skills.Hahhaha.Me and Cheeeee made a "cool" handshake.Laughed our ass off.&& she have got a new defence pose.=DD.
Everyone is very very jolly today.=DD
Sometimes we argue.We shout.We scream.But thats a part of friendship.
We make one another hate each other.But we climb back up again.Didnt we?
The Carpenters-Close To You
Why do stars fall down from the sky?
Monday, June 29, 2009
WaiYuen: She give you d.You dont want ah?
Sylin:Yeah lor.Take it or leave it
Victor: ah??
WaiYuen:-draws a frog/crab-
Sylin:-labels W.Y-
Sylin: What W.Y cannot be other name ah? Only yours ah??? it could be Whai Ying whoever that is.
Waiyuen:-touching places that are not meant to be touched with vic-
Sylin:Yerrrr!! dont show pron in front of me la!!!
The following above might not be funny.But you just gotta be there.We laughed our asses off today.Very very fun.
Victor please feel better.
Kherxhing skirt dont open so big. XD
Cheeee sorry abt the artblock and cheer up!
Jiawunn stop f-ig everyone
Waiyuen stop torturing us my twisting our wrist
Sylin stop laughing so hard when its not funny.XD
All of the sudden,out of nowhere..We got a pet sibling thing.0.o
Tisien,Cheeee,Waiyuen,Jiawunn,Victor,Sylin and Kherxhing
The following above is the order from the oldest to the youngest.
Tisien is the pilot.
Cheeee is the model.
Waiyuen is the graphic designer.
Jiawunn is the musician.
Victor is the jobless.
Sylin is the lawyer.(haha)
Kherxhing is the doctor.
Well,thats all for today.^^
When life gives you lemonade,make lemons.
Rubik yang bercanggih.(funny if you know the truth)
Katy Perry-Waking up in Vegas
-Why are these lights s bright?
Sylin:Yeah lor.Take it or leave it
Victor: ah??
WaiYuen:-draws a frog/crab-
Sylin:-labels W.Y-
Sylin: What W.Y cannot be other name ah? Only yours ah??? it could be Whai Ying whoever that is.
Waiyuen:-touching places that are not meant to be touched with vic-
Sylin:Yerrrr!! dont show pron in front of me la!!!
The following above might not be funny.But you just gotta be there.We laughed our asses off today.Very very fun.
Victor please feel better.
Kherxhing skirt dont open so big. XD
Cheeee sorry abt the artblock and cheer up!
Jiawunn stop f-ig everyone
Waiyuen stop torturing us my twisting our wrist
Sylin stop laughing so hard when its not funny.XD
All of the sudden,out of nowhere..We got a pet sibling thing.0.o
Tisien,Cheeee,Waiyuen,Jiawunn,Victor,Sylin and Kherxhing
The following above is the order from the oldest to the youngest.
Tisien is the pilot.
Cheeee is the model.
Waiyuen is the graphic designer.
Jiawunn is the musician.
Victor is the jobless.
Sylin is the lawyer.(haha)
Kherxhing is the doctor.
Well,thats all for today.^^
When life gives you lemonade,make lemons.
Rubik yang bercanggih.(funny if you know the truth)
Katy Perry-Waking up in Vegas
-Why are these lights s bright?
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It feels like there is school every saturday now.Its as depressing as it sounds.Finally! 1)next Saturday is a schooless day 2) two brand new episodes from Chick Vs Dick=D.
Rubik is like the brand new "heng" thing in every school nowadays.Some are struggling to solve it.Some have completed it.Some says that its geeky.Some couldnt careless. && heres a conversation.
Priya: Sylin can I borrow your cube?
Me: no
Priya: So evil la you!
Me: Yeah I know
Priya: -walks away-
KX: -laughs-
-Sy- currebt addiction:Rocky.Full of aspartame.
Rubik is like the brand new "heng" thing in every school nowadays.Some are struggling to solve it.Some have completed it.Some says that its geeky.Some couldnt careless. && heres a conversation.
Priya: Sylin can I borrow your cube?
Me: no
Priya: So evil la you!
Me: Yeah I know
Priya: -walks away-
KX: -laughs-
-Sy- currebt addiction:Rocky.Full of aspartame.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!I did it!!!. I solved the Cuba.
Todays Acmar's Canteen. I took care of the booth where you throw tennis balls at the can. Mr Maniam said then when me and KX came the business was better.Actually we kept forcing the students to come play.If you were there,you could here us shouting "come play la!!!" at everyone that passes by.It was very fun.Then we went to support jiawunn and cheeee's performance.I thought that the music was louder that their voice.No comment. Then we hung out at the basketball court.Not the court but next to it.We shooted(yes shooted) some hoops.:). && we made a new friend!!!.Actually I was the only one talking.So social.=). His name is Jack Siang. And WaiYuen treated us with some drinks.Mineral water.-.-.The day ended with me showing Yana how to solve the Rubik of Cuba. =).
P/S:Awesomeness is a word!!!
Todays Acmar's Canteen. I took care of the booth where you throw tennis balls at the can. Mr Maniam said then when me and KX came the business was better.Actually we kept forcing the students to come play.If you were there,you could here us shouting "come play la!!!" at everyone that passes by.It was very fun.Then we went to support jiawunn and cheeee's performance.I thought that the music was louder that their voice.No comment. Then we hung out at the basketball court.Not the court but next to it.We shooted(yes shooted) some hoops.:). && we made a new friend!!!.Actually I was the only one talking.So social.=). His name is Jack Siang. And WaiYuen treated us with some drinks.Mineral water.-.-.The day ended with me showing Yana how to solve the Rubik of Cuba. =).
P/S:Awesomeness is a word!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Rubik Of Cuba
Hey! I am this close to solving the Rubik of cube.But the last part is confusing me. =S. Oh well.Will get it soon.E's going to kill me if I ask one more time.Oh well.
There's a will there's a way =)
And Acmar's Canteen Day is tomorrow.See you guys there! From 9am- 2pm.Feel free to join in the fun!
There's a will there's a way =)
And Acmar's Canteen Day is tomorrow.See you guys there! From 9am- 2pm.Feel free to join in the fun!
He died?! Micheal Jacksons dead. According to the news in Yahoo! they said that he died because of cardiac arrest.Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops pumping blood.At the age of 50.Wow.So young.
I received the news in school when I arrived.I was shocked! Some claim that its a prank.So sudden la his death.25-6-09.Thursday.May he rest in peace.
I received the news in school when I arrived.I was shocked! Some claim that its a prank.So sudden la his death.25-6-09.Thursday.May he rest in peace.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Solve it
So,Friday's report card day.Which means its tomorrrow.0.0 shit!. Okie okie chill chill. :D.Saturday is Canteen Day.9 to 2. But students have to arrive at 8. -.- .
Anyways, these days, I am addicted to the Rubik of cube.=).&& KX kept snatching my Rubik!!!.She really good at it. But my sis is teaching me.Seems like shes going to puke blood teaching me.Amnesia.After one step I forget everything. Jiawunn said I look like a geek when I am playing the Rubik.-.-. But when you solve its awesome. At least thats what I think.hahhaha.
We discovered a new stalker.Srsly la.This one can fight with Loke Keng.
Rubik keeps me distracted.Dont comment on this sentence fellow friends.Hahaha.
Awesomeness.Hardcore. :D. Random.
Anyways, these days, I am addicted to the Rubik of cube.=).&& KX kept snatching my Rubik!!!.She really good at it. But my sis is teaching me.Seems like shes going to puke blood teaching me.Amnesia.After one step I forget everything. Jiawunn said I look like a geek when I am playing the Rubik.-.-. But when you solve its awesome. At least thats what I think.hahhaha.
We discovered a new stalker.Srsly la.This one can fight with Loke Keng.
Rubik keeps me distracted.Dont comment on this sentence fellow friends.Hahaha.
Awesomeness.Hardcore. :D. Random.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mr Ho: Victor touch this
Victor: -dips hand into sodium hydroxide-(liquid)
Mr Ho: How does it feel?
Victor: Wet
Mr Ho: -.-
Victor: -dips hand into sodium hydroxide-(liquid)
Mr Ho: How does it feel?
Victor: Wet
Mr Ho: -.-
Monday, June 22, 2009
I celebrated Father's Day with my relatives and etc.We got each of the fathers their own hankerchief with their name stitched on it. :). So after the party,Vikern rescued a kitten! And placed it somewhere safe.Unfortunately, that place wasnt so safe.Dogs were everywhere!And the kitten was only the size of my whole hand.3 huge dogs gang bang the little kitty.They disturbed it.But fortunately, Vikern ran out of the car door to save the kitty.When he reached the dogs ran away.We took it to a better home. =).so cute.the meowing was soothing.=)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Go check it out at my sister's blog (EiLin) by just simply clicking on the link. P/S: I wasnt drunk just very hyper.
Happy Father's Day
Saturday, June 20, 2009
School.Hm..Character building.First teacher that came in was,Mr Aru,Mr Selva and Mr Anthony.They taught us mind mapping and etc.And Mr Anthonu taught us a song..Next Mdm Jo and Pn.Shoba came in.They gave a lecture on career choices.Then,Ms Steph,Ms Phua and Mr Jonathan came in and talked to us about Social Skills.
And I finally finished my geo!!!
And I finally finished my geo!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Whee!!!!!!!!and thats what I would do if there isnt any school tomorrow.Character Building nekkkkk.
Anyways,Friday.We had Geo for our first period.1 hour.Of torturous Mr.Selva.Also known as Mr.Selvy.Silas created a name for him.Selvy.So cute.XD.And then we were let free on Madam Jo's period.Hahahha.Ugh.Boring! Lets skip to the title.
We usually dont eat lunch on Friday unless it was something we like.So we shoot some hoops today.=D.Me and KX team up and JW and CE teamed up.They score alot.That was because I was laughing so hard all the time.After the "match" the form 5 wanted the basketball.So we threw it up.But tak jadi.:D.
A sick convo?
Punithan:Thats my ball!!
Me:No no.Your ball is there.
Punithan:No!! My ball!!!
Me: I know!!!
After how I played basketball today,I conclude that I suck in basketball and also that basketball makes me hyper.
Whee!!!!!!!!and thats what I would do if there isnt any school tomorrow.Character Building nekkkkk.
Anyways,Friday.We had Geo for our first period.1 hour.Of torturous Mr.Selva.Also known as Mr.Selvy.Silas created a name for him.Selvy.So cute.XD.And then we were let free on Madam Jo's period.Hahahha.Ugh.Boring! Lets skip to the title.
We usually dont eat lunch on Friday unless it was something we like.So we shoot some hoops today.=D.Me and KX team up and JW and CE teamed up.They score alot.That was because I was laughing so hard all the time.After the "match" the form 5 wanted the basketball.So we threw it up.But tak jadi.:D.
A sick convo?
Punithan:Thats my ball!!
Me:No no.Your ball is there.
Punithan:No!! My ball!!!
Me: I know!!!
After how I played basketball today,I conclude that I suck in basketball and also that basketball makes me hyper.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Boredom likes me.It sticks to me.Its that or I get bored easily. :). Cheeee is going to sing "The Peacock Song" for me tomorrow!!!.Wheeeeeee!!!!.Its a really nice chinese song.I hardly adore any chinese songs but this is nice even though I cant understand a word they say.Sounds nice.
We are officially done with our Magazine.I like the background most.Simple background yet it shows so many diffrent colour.=).Others are still brain storming on how to make their Mags awesome.Ours were pretty weird.Not neat.The text not neat.No offence to our editor.Our jawatan:
Jia Wun Phng in shorts on 17- 6-09 on a school day in school(hahaha):Editor/Writer
Chee En Chong:Designer of our cover!
Kher Xhing Lim: Photo reasearcher
Me!: Googler.
So why am I writing their name full?Jiawunn is not going to like this.Who cares? haha.
Leave a comment or my Cbox is going to have a funeral.TQ very much.
Mr Wang:Go back to your sits
Me,Chee En and Jiawunn: Cher,you going back?
Mr Wang: Go back to your sits.
Us:Cher,you going back?
It went on and on...
Till he gave up and leave us alone
We are officially done with our Magazine.I like the background most.Simple background yet it shows so many diffrent colour.=).Others are still brain storming on how to make their Mags awesome.Ours were pretty weird.Not neat.The text not neat.No offence to our editor.Our jawatan:
Jia Wun Phng in shorts on 17- 6-09 on a school day in school(hahaha):Editor/Writer
Chee En Chong:Designer of our cover!
Kher Xhing Lim: Photo reasearcher
Me!: Googler.
So why am I writing their name full?Jiawunn is not going to like this.Who cares? haha.
Leave a comment or my Cbox is going to have a funeral.TQ very much.
Mr Wang:Go back to your sits
Me,Chee En and Jiawunn: Cher,you going back?
Mr Wang: Go back to your sits.
Us:Cher,you going back?
It went on and on...
Till he gave up and leave us alone
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Bark Cafe...
Bark Cafe is located at 1000 Upper Changi Road North.Yes in Singapore.If you ever organise a trip to Singapore be sure to have a visit to Bark Cafe.Bark Cafe will ensure you with good service and excellent food.Below are some of Bark Cafe's dishes.
Sambal Fried Rice

Char-grilled Tenderloin Steak
Bark Cafe's famous dish.
Name:Crayfish Hor Fun
Bark’s Specialty Chicken Wings
Crayfish Spaghetti.
Daily catch Crayfish tossed together with spaghetti in Arriabiatta sauce.
The atmosphere at Bark Cafe.
Night View.
Mushroom Fritter

Char-grilled Tenderloin Steak

Name:Crayfish Hor Fun

Daily catch Crayfish tossed together with spaghetti in Arriabiatta sauce.
The atmosphere at Bark Cafe.

Thank you.
P/S:The photography work is NOT done by yours truly.Just innocently advertising it.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hello!!!. Hell reopened today. Okay okay.Its not that bad it was pretty fun to see my classmates again. But when I got my geo paper it really turned into a hell hole. Quote Mr.Selva "Thosee who got 80 and below must write I Will Constantly Revise My Geography To Score 'A' In My Future Examinations.230 times!!!" && we have two new teachers.Ms.Low the pretty one from far but I dont think she looks pretty from near and when she laughs or smiles. Ms. no idea whats her name.=). The rest of the day went very well?. But we didnt get to laugh much today.
And we were assigned to design a Magazine.
Dont spam.I'll kick you.=)
And we were assigned to design a Magazine.
Dont spam.I'll kick you.=)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Yikes! School's starting very very soon!!! I am not even prepared.yet,I am excited to go to school.To make noise in class.To chill at the Kelantan pole.To bargain to lessen the homework given.To come home and feel exhausted.To dig myself up from bed to go to school.To kill myself when I get my results.
I guess thats pretty much it.Cant wait! I know weird =)
Off to prepare!!!
I guess thats pretty much it.Cant wait! I know weird =)
Off to prepare!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Just Like Cancer
This tag is spreading!!!Since my blog is dead,and also since I wanna do this tag,I will do it,=). P/S:This tag,I got it from the email.And I was shocked to see that everyone is using it as a tag.PPS:If you dont get what I am saying,its ok.Sometimes I dont get what I am saying too.=)
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
4. Which colour do you like more, black or white?
5. Name of persons(people?=.=) of the same sex as yours.
6. Your favourite number?
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
9. Write down 15 wishes?
3.To shop like its no one's bussiness.
5.A big fat family vacation
6.More wishes in case I need more=)(greedy!!!)
15.All above to come true
Moment of truth!!!
1.If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You u are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is:
A-K- You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R- You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z- You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar : The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June : You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep : You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec : Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
4. If you chose:
Black : Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White : You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. These people are your best friends.
6 This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime(72 is too freaking many)
7. If you chose:
Flying : You like adventure.
Driving : You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean : You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wishes will come true only if you tag this to five people in one hour.
Tag it to ten people, and it will come true before your next
Shit la
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?
2. Your first initial?
3. Your month of birth?
4. Which colour do you like more, black or white?
5. Name of persons(people?=.=) of the same sex as yours.
6. Your favourite number?
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
9. Write down 15 wishes?
3.To shop like its no one's bussiness.
5.A big fat family vacation
6.More wishes in case I need more=)(greedy!!!)
15.All above to come true
Moment of truth!!!
1.If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You u are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is:
A-K- You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R- You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z- You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar : The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June : You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep : You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec : Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
4. If you chose:
Black : Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White : You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. These people are your best friends.
6 This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime(72 is too freaking many)
7. If you chose:
Flying : You like adventure.
Driving : You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean : You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wishes will come true only if you tag this to five people in one hour.
Tag it to ten people, and it will come true before your next
Shit la
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Could you just freaking tell me?
And if you dont want.
You shouldnt have told me the little bits.
When you decide when you want to confront me and tell me,
I welcome you.
But if you want to leave me hanging
You shouldnt have started this shit.
You told me,
Something you know that I would be f-ing curious about.
And you decide not to tell me?
"If I tell you there's no fun"
Shit la.
Dear readers,
sorry about the things I said above.Am very pissed right now. =).Sincerely sorry.
Could you just freaking tell me?
And if you dont want.
You shouldnt have told me the little bits.
When you decide when you want to confront me and tell me,
I welcome you.
But if you want to leave me hanging
You shouldnt have started this shit.
You told me,
Something you know that I would be f-ing curious about.
And you decide not to tell me?
"If I tell you there's no fun"
Shit la.
Dear readers,
sorry about the things I said above.Am very pissed right now. =).Sincerely sorry.
First of,HAPPY 101ST POST.Actually I didnt realise that the 100th post was my previous post.But its never too late to wish. =)
So,jiawunn,cheeee and I went out today.Like I said (did I?) we watched 2 movies instead of 3.Hm,we arrived roughly around 1 pm.Cheeee and I arrived first so we went to collect our tickets.We watched Hannah Montana The Movie and 17 Again.No comment.Seriously,I cant comment on movies.But all I can say is OMG!!! Matthew Perry is in 17 Again. I find it very shocking=).After HM Movie we went to Starbucks to chill while waiting for our next movie.jiawunn got pretty hyper.Below's our drinks and the biscotti is mine.=)
So,jiawunn,cheeee and I went out today.Like I said (did I?) we watched 2 movies instead of 3.Hm,we arrived roughly around 1 pm.Cheeee and I arrived first so we went to collect our tickets.We watched Hannah Montana The Movie and 17 Again.No comment.Seriously,I cant comment on movies.But all I can say is OMG!!! Matthew Perry is in 17 Again. I find it very shocking=).After HM Movie we went to Starbucks to chill while waiting for our next movie.jiawunn got pretty hyper.Below's our drinks and the biscotti is mine.=)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tomorrow I might be going out with my buddies(feel weird calling them that).It turns out we can only watch 2 but not 3 movies.They wanna watch Hannah Montana The Movie and Seventeen Again.And I wanna watch Monster Vs Aliens.Since we're watching 2 movies.As usual,my selection was canceled.
I never get to pick do I?
I never get to pick do I?
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I went to Morib today with Elin,Learn Sin,Ker Vin and Ah Xiang.Actually I went out with her friend la..So I am the youngest one there.But I dont feel left out at all.They are all really friendly and funny.Learn Sin cooked for us.The food is satisfying.=).I flew a kite!!!My sifu is E.=D.Let the pictures tell you what happen.

Double knee!!! E knocked her leg so now it looks like she has two knee.

Our kite!!!

The little kite too light and the wind was too strong.So according to Learn Sin(in blue) it looks like the kite is doing gymnastic.And she has to step on the tali to stablize it.
Double knee!!! E knocked her leg so now it looks like she has two knee.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
You gotta have a look!Catch Joe Jonas dancing to Single Ladies!
You gotta have a look!Catch Joe Jonas dancing to Single Ladies!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Lets see.-flashback-.I got nothing!I have a very very dull life.And not studying had made me get amnesia very easily.But when school reopens there will be school.Waking up early.Homework.Living Skills>:(.
Hm..going to Morib on Sunday.So I guess I have something to blog about then.
Hm..going to Morib on Sunday.So I guess I have something to blog about then.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hi!I have nothing to blog about.My life is pretty sad.All I do everyday is stare at the screen.And thinking of what to do.I got irritated listening to music.So I guess I gotta stop that for a while.And also I gotta stop using my lappie.But I cant stop.My wrist hurts.After I get karpal.Anyway,I am running out blogs to read!This proves that my holiday life is boring.I rather go to school.Wait,shit!I have to wake up early.Ok ok.So school is not the best choice.Need to do something!!!
Oh and I saw Gabby,Hazel and Amy in JJ.They gang bang me and whack my ass.Evil.And then we went Starbucks.And we chatted with Hazel's mom.
Hazel's mom:So,Sylin what you do for the holidays?
Me:Uhh,nothing much.Just stare at the computer screen everyday.
Life is soo boring!!God!When there's school we want holiday.When there's holiday we want school!.I really really really want to update everyday.But sadly my holiday is like this.Ah,nvm.Going to Jiawun's house soon!
Oh and I saw Gabby,Hazel and Amy in JJ.They gang bang me and whack my ass.Evil.And then we went Starbucks.And we chatted with Hazel's mom.
Hazel's mom:So,Sylin what you do for the holidays?
Me:Uhh,nothing much.Just stare at the computer screen everyday.
Life is soo boring!!God!When there's school we want holiday.When there's holiday we want school!.I really really really want to update everyday.But sadly my holiday is like this.Ah,nvm.Going to Jiawun's house soon!
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