I went to Morib today with Elin,Learn Sin,Ker Vin and Ah Xiang.Actually I went out with her friend la..So I am the youngest one there.But I dont feel left out at all.They are all really friendly and funny.Learn Sin cooked for us.The food is satisfying.=).I flew a kite!!!My sifu is E.=D.Let the pictures tell you what happen.
Double knee!!! E knocked her leg so now it looks like she has two knee.
Our kite!!!
The little kite too light and the wind was too strong.So according to Learn Sin(in blue) it looks like the kite is doing gymnastic.And she has to step on the tali to stablize it.
E!flying the kite.
E and kite
High in Fun.
Low in Boredom.
Learn Sin's fried rice.
Ayam TERbakar.
Egg to go with the rice
Baked pumpkin
Emo E and Emo kite
Potato Salad.It doesnt look so photogenic.
Our breakfast meal.
E's sausages.(sounds wrong)
Mommy cooked sardine.It doesnt look photogenic too.But super yummy!
I sleptover at jiawunn's house on Thursday-Saturday.Friday Cheeee crashed in.It was pretty fun. Did loads of typical sleepover thing.So yeah. =)
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