Anyway, today, nothing much. MrMani said that we are the noisest class he has ever come across. And with that! MdmJo scolded us. Haih. School is well, school. Its a normal Friday. we bully mr selva . and we have english. then later we ignore the mandarin teacher. then we have cik wan. need we say more? then ms phua.. then lunch. we sat and talk and played the "would you rather game"
My mommy went for acupuncture today. The part where the doctore insert the needle into her skin was really geli. and he said i have nose problems. apparently, theres something in my nose. like an extra meat growin or something. so he gave me some herb powder which is bitter!! and he was suppose to treat my mommy. but mana tau he was treating me too. Hahahhahaha!! well, thats the end. ^^
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