Sunday, August 28, 2011


todays post will be about....

they say that when we grow older , music will dissapear! scary right?
anyway they say so is because they think that music have no meaning anymore ( which i think is very true) its been corrupted by greed and fame. back in the days the lyrics has meaning it tells a story. now its about to the and the melody. even if the lyrics doesnt make sense its ok because it sounds good. and the words in todays lyrics just keep repeating and repeating and repeating eg : friday , my moment , moves like jagger ( but nice tune ) , and alot more which i cant think of right now. songs like uptown girl , dancing queen, any old songs they are filled with meaning.

and mini children nowadays are so stoned. they dont even use their brain. the thinking is already done for them. last time we let our imagination run wild. with some spoons and plates we played masak-masak, drums and etc. with cards we created weird games that no adults understand. and soap bubble. and the mommy and daddy game. jadi-jadi. ice and water , police and thief. its from there that people get imagination. and thats how people become creative. next time fashion , technology and food are going to be as dull as hell cause no one can think of anything new cause their brains are kept inside a closet slowly rotting. i am soo angry at parents who let their 2 year old child play with technology its like childhood ruiner. next time they will tell their children when i was a child i stared at a screen thats it. whem my parents tell me what they played last time when they were young sounds soooo amazing.

people who swing their wet hands at you. WHAT THE HELL??? there is a thing call a tissue. USE IT. you can feel all the droplets of water touching your leg. ESPECIALLY in the toilet. DISGUSTING!!

and can everyone STOP killing babies of endangered species?! they are already endangered and you go eat their babies making them more endangered than they already are! did this ever run through everyone's mind. if you eat the adult one is not so bad because they are going to die soon. whereas the baby one if the go extinct where is the next generation of that species going to come from?! from all the poachers' ass ah?? sheesh.


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